Marketing Automation Best Practices

5 good ideas for Marketing Automation flows


With Marketing Automation you can set up a number of automated processes with different messages and actions that will be executed at a specific time. Here are a number of examples of best practice in Marketing Automation that can help you get the best possible engagement from customers without having to spend time on it. Let intelligent automated flows do all the work for you with these Marketing Automation examples.

1. Set up a welcome flow

The first Marketing Automation example we will look at is a welcome flow. When people have signed up for your newsletter, it is important to make them feel welcome from the start. In addition, a welcome flow is without discussion the most effective type of Marketing Automation flows.

It is about building a good relationship from the first interaction, so that you do what you can in order to ensure that the subscriber stays on the list and gets the good impression from the start.

Studies have shown that emails from a welcome flow usually have an Open Rate that is normally 4 times higher than a normal rate, and a Click Through Rate that is 5 times higher.

A girl works with email marketing automation on her computer.

A few ideas for setting up a good welcome flow are:

  1. Offer a reward for signing up for the newsletter. Give a 10% discount code, offer free shipping on first order or other.
  2. Tell the recipients how often they can expect to receive news and info from you and what type of content they can expect to receive.
  3. Give the recipient some good and useful content and not just a gossip. Content that can help the subscriber in one way or another always works well, and can help establish a position for your company as a “trusted source” that a person can count on and trust that you are the right place to go within the field that you are dealing with.
  4. Give a clear insight into who you and your business are. Use the opportunity to put a human face on the business. It is the best way to build a good relationship between the customer and the company.


2. Create a loyalty program

People love to feel special and valued. Invite the most committed customers to participate in a VIP loyalty program, where they get very special offers and opportunities.

When a VIP customer then performs an action such as buying something or writing a review, you can via Marketing Automation automatically send them a follow-up such as, for example, a discount if they wrote a review.


3.Make dynamic segments

Create some very powerful emails by making dynamic segments that, at the same time, save you a lot of work while generating a good income. The more targeted emails you can make, the greater the chance of more sales as well as your recipients opening and reading your emails.

Set up dynamic segments based on e.g. purchase behavior so that you can automatically send mails with

  • Related products
  • New versions or upgrades of already purchased products (GoPro 5 camera that will turn into GoPro 6)
  • Similar products
  • Targeted discounts

4. Get in touch with sleeping customers

By this is meant people on your list who either do not respond at all, or who, for example, have not made a purchase within the last year. Try to make them active again.

There can be many reasons why customers suddenly do not respond more. Perhaps they have not found your emails interesting enough, or they have started shopping at your competitor, perhaps they think your prices are too high, or they have moved from the target group they were in before.

Whatever the reason may be, you always have a chance to win them back. With a Marketing Automation you can set up a flow that targets these sleeping customers, and you can automatically try to win them back.

When you try to contact sleeping customers, it is important to keep an eye on their reaction. If they do not respond, it is best to remove them from the list so that you have a clean list, which gives less chance that your emails end up in the SPAM folder. You can and should set up an automated flow for this part.


5. Focus on the customer service experience

At MarketingPlatform, we go an extra mile in the customer service, as we know that is the key to success. You should do the same.

Instead of only focusing on sales with Marketing Automation, you should be more creative and also use Marketing Automation for engaging dialogue.

Examples for this are e.g. to

  • Ask customers to write a product review or to write a review on Trustpilot, Facebook or Google Reviews
  • Send follow-up material that supports the products that the customer has purchased
  • Send information about new products and upgrades that may be of interest to loyal customers, which can help them plan future purchases