Create a List

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One of the first things that you will have to set up on our account is a List. The following article will provide you with a detailed overview of how to create and set up a contact list, as well as other options and opportunities, such as how to connect your list with social audiences.

At MarketingPlatform we always recommend you to have one list instead of multiple, due to the fact that the Statistics module will be more comprehensive for you.

Add a New List

To create a contact list, click on the tab “lists” and choose the option “add list”, as shown below.

A screenshot from the interface of MarketingPlatform picturing the instructions for creatin a list.

Setting up Your List

When you’ve entered the view for adding a list, you’ll be met with an overview. Here, you should input the information you would like to portray upon sending campaigns to the list:

  • Send From Name – the sender’s name (the name that will be seen by your subscribers when you send a campaign to them).
  • Send From Email – the sender’s email address (the email address which will be used when you send a campaign to your contact list – the email address that will be visible to your recipients).
  • Default Reply-to Email – When your recipients reply to your newsletters, the answers will come to this email address. It is generally a great idea to allow dialogue and not send from no-reply addresses.
  • SMS Country Prefix – If the recipients on your contact lists come from the same country, then you can set a default prefix on the contact list.
  • Notify the List Owner – this provides you with an option to receive an email every time a contact has subscribed and/or unsubscribed from the list.

On the right side of the overview, you have the possibility to enter your Company Details. We strongly recommend that you fill out this information, as some of the details will be replacing placeholders inside forms, the Email builder, as well as the SMS builder.

Underneath the basic information, you can connect your list to social audiences (SoMe). You can read more about this topic on the following pages:

A screenshot from the interface of MarketingPlatform picturing the instructions for creatin a list.

When you scroll to the bottom of the page, the real building of the list begins. Here, you will choose what kind of information your profiles can enter.

There are three different tabs: All Fields, Standard Basic Data Fields, and Own Basic Data Fields.

  • If you choose to see all fields, you will see a combination of standard basic data fields and your own basic data fields.
  • If you choose to see standard basic data fields, you will see the default system data fields of the platform. You will not be able to make changes to these.
  • If you choose to see your own basic data fields, you will see the data fields that you have created on your own.

You can read more about data fields here.

When choosing which data fields should be included on your list, you simply drag and drop the fields onto the blank canvas on the right called “All fields”.

A screenshot from the interface of MarketingPlatform picturing the instructions for creatin a list.

When you are done with the creation of your list, go to the top of the page and click “Save”.

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