Google has recently announced new regulations for email communication. They are set to be enforced starting February 1, 2024. These changes will impact how emails are sent and received. Also, there will be consequences for those who don’t comply. Let’s delve into the few key requirements you should pay attention to:

Authentication Matters: SPF, DKIM, and DMARC Approval

Ensure that your emails are authenticated with SPF, DKIM, and DMARC for your sending domain. While many email systems likely have this in place, it’s crucial to double-check. Authentication helps establish the legitimacy of your emails. It also prevents them from being flagged as suspicious.

Combat Spam: Keep Your Spam Rate Below 0.10%

Google emphasizes the importance of maintaining a spam rate below 0.10%. Signing up for Google Postmaster Tools can aid in monitoring your spam rate. Avoid crossing the threshold of 0.30% to prevent potential issues with email deliverability. Staying vigilant and promptly addressing any spikes in your spam rate is crucial for compliance.

Simplify Unsubscribing: One-Click Unsubscribe

Make it easy for readers to unsubscribe with a single click. This feature, commonly seen in reputable platforms, should be implemented by January. The unsubscribe action should take place directly within the email client. It doesn’t involve intricate HTML processes. Simplifying the unsubscribe process is part of enhancing user experience and complying with Google’s regulations.

Clarity in Unsubscribe Links: No More Hidden Paths

Ensure your emails include a clear and visible unsubscribe link. Avoid the past practice of disguising it with a faint, small, gray link. Transparency is key, and users should have no difficulty locating the unsubscribe option. Google is urging a straightforward approach to enhance transparency and user choice.

The Paradigm Shift for Email Marketing: Brace for Impact

These regulations target senders who exceed 5,000 emails initially. It’s crucial to note that additional email providers might also adopt similar measures. Google often sets the standard. And compliance with these rules is likely to become an industry-wide expectation. Failure to meet these criteria could result in your emails not being delivered as intended. Or worse, it may be flagged as spam.

Anticipating Increased Unsubscribes: Adapt Your Strategy

With the ease of unsubscribing, expect a surge in newsletter opt-outs. It’s crucial for organizations to prepare for this shift. Develop robust strategies for both retention and attracting new readers. The emphasis is not only on retaining current subscribers but also on cultivating a fresh audience. Adapting your approach will be key to navigating the changing landscape of email marketing.

Preparation Is Key: Ensure Compliance to Safeguard Delivery

To avoid disruptions to your email delivery, start preparing now. Verify that your email system aligns with the authentication standards outlined by Google. Regularly check your spam rate. Take proactive measures to keep it within the recommended threshold. Update your email templates to incorporate the necessary unsubscribe features. Ensure they are prominently visible.

Adapting to the Future of Email Communication

As Google takes the lead in implementing stricter email regulations, the landscape of email communication is evolving. Adapting to these changes is not only a matter of compliance. But it’s also an opportunity to enhance user experience and build trust. Stay informed, and be proactive in your preparations. Embrace the evolving standards to ensure your emails continue to reach your audience effectively. The era of transparent, user-centric email communication is upon us. And it’s time to embrace the future.


Author: Theodor Nørgaard, head of marketing & digital