Insert General Data Fields in Your Email Campaign

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In MarketingPlatform, we have made it easy to merge fields as first name and other personal information from the individual recipient’s contact sheet into the campaigns. It makes your emails more personal and the contact will feel closer to you as the sender.

Insert the first name of your recipients

Say hello to your recipients in a proper way. Although the recipients of course are aware that they are receiving a newsletter sent to many, a personal greeting still helps reinforce the bond between your business and your recipients. It also gives the impression that the upcoming newsletters will bear the mark of certain degree of personalization and tailor-made content.

A screenshot from the interface of MarketingPlatform, picturing the instructions to Insert General Data Fields in Your Email Campaign.

Select and insert

Select where in your text you would like to insert the contact field, select “Insert Contact fields’’ and then find the contact field you would like to merge into. Many companies import the first name of their contacts, but you can merge any field. It may be that you will merge the name of the event the contact has signed up for, the name of their pet or their date of birth in a birthday trigger.

At the sending, we check each recipient and merge the field into the campaign. You can insert a value that we can call back on, if a recipient does not have a first name in their contact sheet. It could for example be “Dear customer”.

A screenshot from the interface of MarketingPlatform, picturing the instructions to Insert General Data Fields in Your Email Campaign.Personalize your email by merging contact fields. 


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