How to map contact fields
1. First select the key field in MarketingPlatform that you want to send your data to. It can be email or mobile.
2. Then select the corresponding field in the system from which you want to export data into MarketingPlatform. In the case below, we get the email field out of WebCRM and this is named p_email
3. Select other fields that you want to export into MarketingPlatform. It can, for example, be surname, as in the case below:
4. Add as many fields as you need by using +Add Contact Fields
5. Then choose whether your contacts are Confirmed or Unconfirmed, whether the data should overwrite or update existing data and whether the contacts should be added to Autoresponders in MarketingPlatform.
6. Here you have the option to filter in your data if necessary. It can, for example, be possible to filter the customers who do not have the selected value. The AND selector means that all rules must apply while OR means that one of the rules applies. The character + is used to add more rules.
7. Finish by saving at the top of the page